Saturday, January 25, 2020

Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction

Effect of Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction This study attempts to develop the effect of work motivation on job satisfaction on two big mobile telecom organizations zong and ufone. The questionnaire was developed to measure the correlation of work motivation and job satisfaction. Total number of observations was sixty and the mean for JS and WK was 3.53 and 3.99 respectively. ANOVA result was 0.042 that was not a significant level for the model that was selected. It can be concluded that, there must be some other variables that are intervening in our model and making contribution at a significant level. Thus the model has not attained the favorable level of significant and could not be used for further research. As p-value was less then .05 so it can be said that the variables chosen for the study was not highly significant. Researcher also found that overall the employees were quiet satisfied with their jobs and have their interest in their job. More than average employees were motivated to work for the organization. Some of employees think that they are not on their actual path and often feel over worked. There are many studies on job satisfaction, and work motivation around the globe but there is scarcity of this work in the local environment. Many researchers are agreed on the influences that job satisfaction is dependent on the work motivation. In past papers, researchers defined each variable and to some extent about the relationship between, work motivation, and job satisfaction. While putting a glance on the organizations around us, we can find that the main challenge for the companies is to enhance the employee performance by implementing different strategies. These strategies include compensation to employees, motivation, rewards and bonuses or team empowerment. Job satisfaction makes the employees more attentive and concerned for the organization. The private organizations also take necessary actions to improve the employees performance with the passage of time therefore the human resource management departments in organizations play a vital role to drive the organization in a certain way. If an organization have a good HRM system, therefore its possible to produce more loyalty, commitment, and motivation to spend additional effort for the organizations objectives (Pfeffer, J, 1994). Considering all the points, job satisfaction will be achieved, when the employee will be motivated to do work, and there are certain factors which influence on work motivation such as efficiency, productivity, absenteeism, turnover rates, and intention to quit (Baron, 1986; Maghradi, 1999). Motivation could be described as a driving force that makes people willingly want to put in their best in what they do. The concept of motivation is that there is no need to force or threaten people to work harder, as any such force or threat is likely to be ineffective in the long run. Rather, it is better that people should be motivated as it is believed that the driving force which results from motivation will compel people to put in their best out of willingness and not out of force or threat. Motivation is believed to lead to an increase in employees work performance. That in turn leads to an increase in overall organizational productivity levels. Furthermore, motivation is said to improve employee job satisfaction. Rationale for the study The rationale for this study was the basic psychology of the human mind about job satisfaction that a person motivated to do a task or a job will be having more satisfaction from that task or work. Secondly, the query to solve that what makes an employee a satisfied employee in an organization. The more the satisfied employees, the higher would be the organizational performance. Problem statement Researchers have analyzed that there are many factors that can effect the job satisfaction of the employees; work motivation is one of the factors. Our study will cover the impact of motivation on the job satisfaction. Objectives of research study The main purpose of this study is to identify the relationship among the work motivation and job satisfaction. The classification of objectives will be as under: Determine the level of motivation of employees. Determine the level of job satisfaction of employees. Analyze the effect of work motivation on job satisfaction. Significance of Study The research is based on the human resource management practice that is motivation. It is a deliberated fact that in our country, very few researchers are working in this area, so we have chooses this area for our research that would be helpful for further research and exploration of new ideas in this field. It will also provide an insight into the fact that how job satisfaction can be enhances within the organizations. In developing countries like Pakistan, it is required to work on such areas that can be developed to increase the productivity of employees and thus of the organizations as well. Delimitations The study will be delimited to telecommunication service organizations in Islamabad. Review of Literature Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction has remained a remarkable area of discussion in the field of management, psychology and especially in organizational behavior and human resource management, for a long period. Many economists have paid attention and inclination towards this subject in recent years (Kosteas, 2009). According to Ramayah, Jantan, and Tadisina (2001), Job satisfaction explains how employees are buoyant to come to work and how they get enforced to perform their jobs. What are the things who make happy an employee on doing work and not to leave the job? Other researchers narrate job satisfaction as being the outcome of the workers appraisal of extent to which the work environment fulfillment the individuals needs (Dawis Lofquist 1984). According to Locke (1969), job satisfaction is a state of emotional gladness, results from the achievement of the goals that one get through performing his part of contribution inside an organization. Rao (2005) in his study discussed that satisfaction at the job for a person acts as a motivation to work. It is not the self satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction of the job. It is the combination of psychological environmental circumstances that affect the person for his satisfaction with the job (Khan 2006). Thus Aswathappa (2003) discussed about the determinants of job satisfaction as it said that the wage payment and monetary rewards are the two determinants. Different organizations employ different wage system and other rewards. The organizations pay wages and salaries along with incentives, perquisites, and non-monetary benefits. Velnampy (2008), in his study on job attitude and employees performance concluded that job satisfaction contains positive influence on the performance of the employees as it enhances job involvement and the higher performance also makes people feel more satisfied and committed to the organization. The satisfaction and performance of the employee works in a cycle and are interdependent. Job satisfaction and involvement of the employee leads him to have high levels of performance. Shahu Gole (2008), in his empirical study of effect of Job satisfaction on Performance, they concluded that the job satisfaction factor is not been taken under consideration by the companies and companies need to develop plans so that their employees can show superior performance. Performance level lowers with lower level satisfaction scores. There should be some awareness programs, pertaining to the stress satisfaction level in the industries. It will help organizations to understand the benefits of stress knowledge in relation to satisfaction and goal achievement in the industry. Shah Shah (2008), in his study of job satisfaction and fatigue variables found the negative relationship between the fatigue and satisfaction from the job. The fatigue has found as negative predictor of Job Satisfaction. The study clearly indicates the different issues for Call Centre employees in the context of Indian economy in which the researcher said that there are various factors leading to dissatisfaction that are on the job and off the job. Its also been discussed in the study that if fatigue get minimized, job satisfaction can be improved by various innovative and encouraging strategies. Work Motivation Luthans (1998) asserts that motivation is the process that arouses, energizes, directs, and sustains behavior and performance. That is, it is the process of stimulating people to action and to achieve a desired task. One way of stimulating people is to employ effective motivation, which makes workers more satisfied with and committed to their jobs. Intrinsic motivation, however, can be defined as the motivation to perform an activity for it, in order to experience the pleasure and satisfaction inherent in the activity (Deci, Connell, Ryan, 1989). According to cognitive evaluation theory and self-determination theory (Gagne Deci, 2005), rewards that are interpreted as information about ones competence and satisfy individuals need for autonomy, will enhance intrinsic motivation. Simon (1997, p.276) argued in his research work, why does the motivation required? The fundamental challenge of all companies is to encourage their employees to work for the organizational goals, whereas Pfeffer (1998) has argued in his research that in the long run, the success can be achieved by those companies that use to manage their employees; creating significant work and having satisfied employees, taking both side by side is the way to organizational effectiveness. Frey (1997) showed that extrinsic rewards, like monetary benefits may interact negatively with the intrinsic work motivation. It has just seen that there is crucially dependence of intrinsic motivation on the extrinsic incentives. Wright and Pandey (2005) described in their work that emotional attachment and loyalty is one of the most important factors of employee motivation that binds the employee to stick to the organization, many other benefits associated with the organization are also part of motivation. Allen Meyer (1990) have tried to answer the question that is; how an organization can analyze that whether it is keeping its employees happy, motivated and loyal to the organization? There is no pet answer as the work motivation is a counter effect of many factors linked to employees; how they interact with organization and what views they have about the organization. Work motivation can be evaluated by the degree of feeling attachment, obligations, and rewards in working in organization. Horwitz et al (2003) predicted that employees get high motivation through challenging work environment and support of the top management. If the employees are competitive and want to do work with full efficiency as it will utilize all their capabilities, then challenging work is the best motivator. Many of the employees like to make relationships and thus need to contact more and more to the higher authorities, so making more regular contacts make them feel that they are been observed and work with more motivation. Locke and Latham (2004, p.388) defined the work motivation as outcome of both internal and external factors that force the employee to work more excitedly. Bacon et al (1996), Deshpande and Golhar (1994), and Julien (1998) have stressed upon the fact that employees have the key position in maintaining a competitive edge over the competitive market by a business. Relation between Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction Gupta Joshi (2008) discussed about the relationship between the Job satisfaction and motivation for the employees. Productivity in the work of an employee is outcome of satisfaction and productivity can be taken as indicator of satisfaction. Employees have to spend most of their time at workplace and need satisfaction at that place. Herzberg et al.s (1959) has described a relationship between two variables as Job Satisfaction is the result of two kinds of factors, intrinsic and extrinsic factor; intrinsic factors appraised the job satisfaction and extrinsic factors cause dissatisfaction and reduce the level of job satisfaction. The extrinsic factors were also called as hygiene factors. According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors results in the form of dissatisfaction and these were external or environmental features e.g. company policy and administration, supervision, work conditions, salary and benefits. The intrinsic factors are also called satisfiers and motivators, included creative or challenging work, responsibility and advancement opportunities. Kovach (1987) also tried to identify the relationship; the need to provide the basic necessities of life motivates most people which in return make the employees satisfied from their jobs. Whereas Brown (1996) examines that when an organization is having some satisfied or delighted employees, it is likely to have satisfied or delighted customers. Brown said the employee satisfied and delightedness as a prerequisite of customer satisfaction. Thus Wagar (1998) explained that in the global market, one can be successful when it has highly motivated, skilled, and satisfied workforce that can produce quality goods at low costs. Hypothesis This study was conducted to test the following hypothesis: H1: Employee Work Motivation has direct positive effect on Job Satisfaction Research Methodology Keeping in mind what researchers have discussed in their work with relation to the effect of work motivation on job satisfaction of employee, this paper is been designed and the research is been conducted to have a clear view of the relationship. In this paper, job satisfaction is been analyzed through the change in work motivation. A questionnaire was designed to collect the required data for motivation and satisfaction. Data will be analysed using descriptive statistics including mean, median and standard deviation. Regression Analysis will be carried out to study the effect of work motivation on job satisfaction of employees. Population The population of the study will be mobile telecom organizations and their employees in Islamabad. There are five mobile telecom companies that are providing services of telecommunication to their customers. Sample and Response Rate The sample for this study was drawn from two organizations in the telecom sector. The sample will include 30 employees; thirty questionnaires will be distributed in both the organizations. Description of the Instrumentation Questionnaire to find the response of employees regarding Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction Work Motivation the Independent Variable Job Satisfaction the Dependent Variable Case Employees Construction A modified questionnaire tagged Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction Scale (WMJSS) was used for the collection of data on the study. The questionnaire was specifically designed to accomplish the objectives of the study. The first section collected information such as age, sex, qualification and, professional status. The second section contained the items, and was divided into two parts. Part1. This measures job satisfaction, which included 7 questions. The item was adopted from Job satisfaction, Cook et al. (1981). Part2. This measures work motivation, which included 8 questions. The item was adopted from, time: 3.26am and date: 19th dec, 2009. Both parts using a Likert scale ranging from Strongly Agree= SA; Agree = A; Somewhat agree = SWD; Somewhat Disagree = SWD; and Strongly Disagree = SD. Pilot Testing We have distributed our questionnaire to five employees of Zong and get the response from them. We have modified the questionnaire accordingly and consulted other people for assistance. Finalization After getting feedback and the amendments in the questionnaire, we consulted a senior teacher and got his satisfactory remarks about that. Thus the questionnaire is valid and reliable. Theoretical Model Job Satisfaction Work Motivation Independent Variable Dependent Variable Data Collection Convenient sampling was used to get data and two departments in Zong and two departments of Ufone were visited. In Zong, IT department and customer relationship department were been under observation and in Ufone, marketing and customer relation department. Sample of thirty was been distributed and got feedback from both the organization. Also verbal conversations were made to have conformity of the data collected. All the data collected is been edited by the researchers. There was very high response rate as it was a convenient sampling and getting feedback was quiet different from other sampling methods. Data Analysis The following statistical tools were implemented to get the findings: SPSS Inc 17.0 MS-Excel 2003 The following measures have been used to identify the relationship: Means and Standard Deviations will be calculated, that will provide us a broader view of the data, how much people are satisfied and up to what extend the psychology of employees differ in a work environment. Regression Analysis will be carried out to determine the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. Research findings Data Representation The frequency table of job satisfaction and work motivation is showing the scattered data in a group form. The standard deviations are showing the diversity of data which is indicating that there is a variety of opinions between the employees. Analysis of variance shows that how much the model is valid and what is the significance of the model. In this research work, significance level is 0.042 that is not a significant level for the model that was selected. It can be concluded that there must be some other variables that are intervening in our model and making contribution at a significant level. Thus the model has not attained the favorable level of significant and could not be used for further research. The p-value shows the significance of variable. As p-value is less then .05 so it can be said that the variables chosen for the study are not highly significant. These results are outcome of the wrong model selected. This study has made us know that there should be a check for the variables that one use in a model. The value of R square is too low that can be used for the relationship analysis of the variables. The value of beta is showing the positive relationship between the dependent and independent variables but not a strong relationship. If there is some relation, that would be positive direct relation. The table shows the correlation between job satisfaction and work motivation Findings Overall the employees are quiet satisfied with their jobs and have their interest in their job. More than average employees are motivated to work for the organization. Some of employees think that they are not on their actual path. Many employees think that the organization hasnt fulfilled their promises, what they do in beginning especially regarding Promotion. There is positive relationship between the motivation and job satisfaction. Employees often feel overworked. Conclusions and Discussion Suggestions To increase the job satisfaction level of the employees the company should concentrate mainly on the incentive and reward structure rather than the motivational session. Ideal employees should concentrate on their job. Educational qualification can be the factor of not an effective job. Company should give promotion to those employees who deserve it. For the researchers who want to do research on such variables, must see the validity of the model and intervening variables that may affect the relationship strongly. Limitations of Study However data is collected with full level of our efforts, yet there remain some flaws in our study. While doing research, many problems are there to be faced by the researcher. The prime difficulties which are been faced in collection of data in this study are discussed below: Short time period: The time period for carrying out the research was short as a result of which many facts have been left unexplored. Lack of resources: Lack of time and other resources as it was not possible to conduct survey at large level. Small no. of respondents: Only sixty employees have been chosen that was a small number, to represent whole of the population. Unwillingness of respondents: While collection of the data many consumers were unwilling to fill the questionnaire due to lack of time. Respondents were having a feeling of wastage of time for them. Small area for research: The area for study was limited to specific organizations that are quite a small area to judge job satisfaction level.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay

The evolution of criminal justice is to reform laws for the reason for providing protection to law-abiding citizens. Individuals that have commit crime will accept punishment for said crime when prosecuted and convicted under the court of law. Prison policies implement punitive actions for certain crimes committed, which assist the courts in sentencing accordingly. Prison policies are designed to keep violent criminals incarcerated, and possibly deter future crime. Individuals convicted of certain crimes may face lengthier sentences than that of a convicted criminal which is currently serving his or her sentence for the same crime committed in a different era. The reason for the difference in sentencing is that prison policies are constantly reforming. Therefore, prison policies pertaining to individuals convicted of armed robbery are under review, like all bills to be passed there is constant prohibition. Robbery occurs when property from a person, place, or bank is taken by force. Armed robbery is using a type of weapon to take possession of something, which results as more of a serious crime than robbery. According to â€Å"Criminal Pages† (2011), â€Å"Armed robbery is the taking of said property, but with the use of a firearm or other taking of said property, but with the use of a firearm or other weapon. Just by including a weapon in a particular robbery crime, a robbery can be viewed with a lot more seriousness.† Even if the person who committed the robbery mentions a weapon or uses a fake weapon can still be charged as committing armed robbery, and the crime is considered to be a felony. The amount of time an individual can receive incarcerated solely depends on the states tolerance for said such crime as well as the ruling from the presiding judge. The bill to be voted on is to double the maximum sentence for criminals convicted of armed robbery. Before voting on the bill, it will be a good idea for legislature officials to review the stat istics of armed robbery compared to normal robbery crimes. Citizens also have the right to be informed of the possible changes and can have his or her voices be heard toward the bill. The only consideration that must be carefully reviewed and express is the prison policy would enforce only to those who commit  robbery with a weapon in intent to harm others. Murder investigations are tied to armed robbery because the robbery was out of hand, and as a result ended with the murder or injury of victim. â€Å"The preliminary investigation has revealed that just after 9:00 p.m., three armed suspects enter the home. The suspects took various properties from the home’s occupants. Simons then arrived at the home a short time later and attempted to flee after seeing the armed suspects. At least one of the suspects shot Simons as he was trying to flee† (Criminal Pages, 2011). This bill will be good for the public by giving them security, and acquiring the public trust in the criminal justice system. The bill will also allow the judicial system to attach long sentences, and keep the violent criminal offenders in prison for the duration of their sentence. Many others would vote against the bill because first time offenders should deserve a second chance if no injury or death was a result of the robbery. With arm robbery, the second change should not apply because a weapon was used and that shows the intention of using it. A second chance should be considered if the crime is conducted by a juvenile because a juvenile has time to change, and deserves help from rehabilitation services. The recommendation as a criminologist, the state legislator would prefer to not vote for the bill governing the double maximum prison sentence for convicted armed robbery. The possible reasons for not voting in favor of the bill are based on a ethical corrupt foundation by which incarcerating an individual for half if not three quarters of their life for armed robbery is not ethical because people can be reformed, and rehabilitated. For some individuals convicted of armed robbery do it for survival, a means to an end and many convicted offenders of such said crime disclose they did not intend to hurt anyone. If murder was intended, the offender can be convicted with high possibilities of receiving a double maximum sentence. The sentence will attempt to punish the convicted criminal through incarceration, counseling by teaching the convicted offender a valuable lesson, and would attempt to provide justice to the victim or victims through restorative justice. The bill would be very ineffective for the reason for increasing maximum sentence has a poor affect in deterring criminals. Butterfield (2011), â€Å"Despite the prison-construction boom of recent years, the rate at which inmates released from prison committed new crimes actually rose from 1983 to 1994, suggesting  that the increased number of criminals put behind bars has not been an effective deterrent to crime, according to a Justice Department study released today.† Convicted criminals released from prison often commit the crime again. According to â€Å"Crime in America† (2010), â€Å"Most former convicts were rearrested shortly after getting out of prison: 30% within six months, 44% within a year, 59% within two years and 67% by the end of three years† (2002 Study). Therefore, the bill to double maximum sentence for armed robbery will be ineffective and should be denied. Prison policy writing comes in a form of a bill that must be voted on by the state legislator. The bill to be voted on is the maximum sentence for armed robbery should be doubled. The proposal of the bill will provide society with an advantage of incarcerating the criminal that allegedly commit armed robbery. The incarceration of violent offenders that commit armed robbery will provide some closure to the victims. Doubling maximum sentence for convicted criminals that have committed armed robbery is considered inhumane by the criminal society, especially for first time offenses. The bill will be considered an ineffective deterrent because repetitive offenders are usually sent back to incarceration. References Criminal Pages. (2011).Armed Robbery Charges. Retrieved from: Criminal Pages. (2011). Armed robbery leads to homicide. Retrieved from: Butterfield, F. (2011). Prison Boom Has Not Deterred Crime, Report Suggests. Retrieved from: Crime in America. (2010). Percent of Released Prisoners Returning to Incarceration. Retrieved from:

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Cherokee Native American Tribe - 1613 Words

May Bombria Miss Pearce American Literature Period 8 2 April 2017 The Cherokee Native American Tribe The Cherokee are considered one of the most advanced Native American tribes culturally and socially. The Cherokee tribe originated from several different regions in the United States including: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama. The Cherokee lived in villages like most Native American Tribes. Each village housed four hundred to five hundred Cherokee people. There were two different villages that they lived in. There was the winter village and the Summer village. The Cherokee owned two homes each, one in each village. The summer homes were bigger than the winter homes. The Summer homes were â€Å"built in the shape†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The U.S. government used the Treaty of New Echota in 1835 to justify the removal† (A Brief History of the Trail of Tears†). The Cherokee were forced on a journey from their previous villages into Tahlequah, Oklahoma to start a new life. This journey became know n as the Trail of Tears. They died of hunger, disease, dehydration, and exhaustion (â€Å"The Trail of Tears†). Life after the trail of tears was challenging at first because the tribe lost over 4,000 of its members during the journey. Once the Cherokees reached Oklahoma, the government still was not very friendly to them. The government contractor gave them some food, but it was contaminated with insects. The government was focused on enhancing their profit and did not care about the well-being and welfare of the Cherokee (Ojibwa, â€Å"The Cherokee After Removal†). There are several events that effected the Cherokee Indians. In the late 1780s, The United States government wanted the Cherokee Indians to stop hunting and learn to farm. The United States government wanted to â€Å"civilize† the Cherokee Indians by â€Å"encouraging† them to change their current lifestyle and begin living like the Christian Americans (â€Å"Indian Removal Timeline†) . On March 27, 1814, The Cherokee Indians fought in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. Andrew Jackson assembled a force of American Soldiers to fight the Cherokee Indians and others. The Battle of Horseshoe Bend was a battle within the Creek War. TheShow MoreRelatedNative American Cherokee Tribe : Native Americans916 Words   |  4 PagesNative American Cherokee Tribe Native Americans have been around for centuries. They were some of the first people to ever come to America. Native American’s have different tribes, cultures, and ethnic groups. Native American’s fought hard to protect their land and people. One of the largest, and culturally advanced tribes are the Cherokees. The Cherokees have unique traditions, customs, and heritage. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Legalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use - 1362 Words

In 2012, Colorado was among one of the states that passed the legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Similar to the age limitation set for buying and consuming alcohol and smoking of tobacco products, Colorado has set the age limit for recreational use for adults who are at least twenty-one years of age and over to use an ounce of this drug. According to the website, the drug marijuana is defined as a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant. After two years of legalizing marijuana, Colorado has had various perks that range from medical, economic, and social. Other states like Ohio and Mississippi are also considering legalizing marijuana after looking at most of the benefits Colorado is having after legalizing the drug. According to the website, The News, after looking at the success the drug marijuana has brought to Colorado, state legislators have decided to try passing the lega lization of the drug heroin as well. In this paper, we will look at the pros and cons of Colorado’s legalized soft drug marijuana versus the legalization of the hard drug heroin. We will also look from the opposing view that Peter de Marneffe is trying to make about the drug heroin and how it will affect our youth in their developmental stage of maturity. First, let us look at the pros and cons of Colorado’s legalization of the drug marijuana. The cons of Colorado’s legalization of marijuana are theShow MoreRelatedLegalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use926 Words   |  4 PagesLegalizing Marijuana in Texas for Recreational Use The well known debate over the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in The United States has been ongoing since 1935. 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The range for medical marijuana is 21 with at least one state with a high of 71% voting for medical marijuana and one state with a low of 59%Read MoreLegalizing Recreational Pot1507 Words   |  7 PagesFebruary 2016 Legalizing Recreational Pot Heavy marijuana smokers are at risk for some of the same health effects as cigarette smokers, like bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world. Those who support its legalization, for medical or for recreational use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself. IfRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legal For Recreational Use873 Words   |  4 PagesRevised: There will be medical benefits if marijuana was legal for recreational use. Premise: Street justice related to drug disputes would be reduced resulting in less crowding in prisons. Revised: Legalizing marijuana will result in less crowding in prisons. Premise: States gain profit from taxing marijuana Revised: States benefit financially from the legalization of marijuana. Conclusion: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use. Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuriesRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?997 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize It: The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Should marijuana be legalized? Many Americans have been asked this question or have heard some type of news about the issue. Marijuana is commonly known as cannabis which refers to the dried up hemp plant cannabis sativa, even though marijuana is a plant and has no chemical additives it has been a tropic of controversy for many years but nowadays it is in the spotlight more than ever. For centuries, marijuana has been used by people throughoutRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?972 Words   |  4 PagesMarijuana Legalization For thousands of years, marijuana has been used for a myriad of purposes ranging from medical use to recreational use. Although small steps are being for marijuana legalization across the country, there is still a long way to go. Some folks argue that marijuana is a gateway drug and impairs judgement, causing people to act recklessly. However, extensive studies have been conducted on the effects, risks, and benefits of marijuana, and have proven marijuana to be safer thanRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Legalization Of Marijuana715 Words   |  3 PagesMarijuana legalization is a controversial subject with many different problems and solutions. Marijuana has benefits and disadvantages to using it (and many viewpoints on said pros and cons) so one person cannot be the only authority on the subject. Marijuana could possibly be used as a medicine, and although legalizing marijuana could have some benefits, the action could have serious repercussions. The legalization of medical marijuana could have positive benefits to the United States government